The BIG News, Part 1 of 3

Thanks to the success of SUBTERRESTRIAL and those of you who helped make it a smash hit, I was contacted by an editor (who my agent called a “legend” in the business) at Kensington Books. He made me an amazing offer for two books to be released under the Pinnacle imprint, which means they’ll be available everywhere books are sold. Better yet, they’ll be the lead titles during the months of their release, so they ought to be really visible.

The first book is called SUBHUMAN and it’s slated for release on Halloween 2017. It’s the first in the UNIT 51 series, which involves a team of scientists who investigate strange happenings around the world. It’ll be available in mass market paperback, eBook, and audio wherever books are sold. (Unfortunately, there won’t be a hardcover limited edition of the book, but I’d be happy to arrange to sign the paperback for anyone interested.) The second book, GODFORSAKEN, is scheduled for release in May, 2018. I’m already neck deep in Book #3, so hopefully the contract will be extended.

So, if you’ve been wondering why I dropped off the face of the planet for the last year, there’s at least part one of your answer: writing two complete novels for Kensington. Stay tuned for future parts, but in the meantime, here’s a little about SUBHUMAN, which is available for preorder HERE.

At a research station in Antarctica, five of the world’s top scientists have been brought together to solve one of the greatest mysteries in human history. Their subject, however, is anything but human . . .

Deep beneath the ice, the submerged ruins of a lost civilization hold the key to the strange mutations that each scientist has encountered across the globe: A misshapen skull in Russia. The grotesque carvings of a lost race in Peru. The mummified remains of a humanoid monstrosity in Egypt . . .

When a series of sound waves trigger the ancient organisms, a new kind of evolution begins. Latching onto a human host—crossbreeding with human DNA—a long-extinct life form is reborn. Its kind has not walked the earth for thousands of years. Its instincts are fiercer, more savage, than any predator alive. And its prey are the scientists who unleashed it, the humans who spawned it, and the tender living flesh on which it feeds . . .


21 thoughts on “The BIG News, Part 1 of 3”

  1. Mike!

    Great news and you deserve it. Take this as a compliment but I consider you to be the American version of Graham Masterson. You take a legend, craft a story and make it your own.

    Take care and mark me down for those signed copies,

    1. Unfortunately, there won’t be an S/L for these. I don’t have enough clout to pull off that negotiation when the publisher is putting up this kind of dough. Hopefully, the day will come, though.

  2. Pingback: The BIG News, Part 3 of 3 | Michael McBride

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